Saturday past I was in Brooklyn at a fraternity; we'll call them
huh phi really, cookout where I met a seemingly nice guy with whom I had a decent conversation with. In my mind the connection was purely cerebral, but somewhere between the exchange of contact information because as I said, it was cerebral; at least on my part, he slipped in that he wanted to fly me to California. Huh? In my mind I'm thinking, "how I we get here?" And I think my thoughts were heard or he saw the "huh?" expression in my face and he said, "Yea, that's how I roll." Wow! Okay!
Within two hours of the exchange of numbers, he, who'll from henceforth will be called Stalker called me. I didn't recognize the number, so I answered the phone only to hear him identify himself and I was stunned! I mean, who does that? I know I'm still fairly new to the dating scene and am still learning certain rules of engagement, but to call within two hours seems a little forward/pushy/even desperate to me. I abruptly got him off the phone citing I had my brother on the other line and I'd call later. Unfortunately my evenings events got the best of me and I didn't return the call. I did; however, send the Facebook Friend Request as he'd asked and no sooner he accepted the request, he posted "Hey Sexy". Now, I'm less than stunned, but instead tad pissed off. I mean, he hadn't asked my social status in terms of am I dating, in a relationship, or talking to someone, so for him to post that kind of comment was a bit offensive. Call me sensitive, but that's how I felt.
It's now Sunday, and we're going on a family outing to Six Flags. We arrived at the amusement park and I'd no sooner parked when my phone rang. I see it's Stalker and didn't answer the phone. It was not the appropriate time; nor did I want to answer only to promptly end the call. Stalker left a voice message and immediately thereafter sent a text message. Now, I'm heated! I mean was it really necessary to send a text after leaving a voice message? I went on with my day and hours later I replied to his text. I told him I was with my family at the amusement park and that I'd get back with him when I was in a more practical environment. He replied saying, "when you come see me in Cali, I'll take you to the Six Flag; Magic Mountain out here". So, we're back to that again. I replied, "money is wasted on me at amusement parks as I don't go on the majority of the rides, but it was a family day and I wanted to share time with them." That pretty much ended the conversation.
Monday morning rolls around and yes, he calls AGAIN! I answer as I don't want to be on the hook to call back. I really only had a few minutes, so that afforded me the chance to limit talking. He seemed overly impressed that I recognized his voice, but one would think that by now, I'd recognized his number and/or stored his number in my phone; nothing more. He once again rambled on about my going to Cali of which I gave no reaction to nor do I plan to. Hell, I don't even know this man; no he I. He babbled on about this and that and then I ended the call as I was on a time constraint and he stated he had to get to the airport.
Tuesday rolls around and I'm relaxing with Lil Lady and my surrogate kids when my phone rings; I didn't recognize the number and answered reluctantly. I was completely gobsmacked! Stalker called again; this time from a number I didn't recognize and when I inquired, he stated it was his landline and that I should store it in order to have all of his contact information. It was obvious he heard the commotion in the background and I was pleased that it afforded me the opportunity to get off the phone; not to mention that I had company anyway.
Now readers, I'm typically a very tolerant person, patient, and open minded person. I will allow one the benefit of the doubt, but I think Stalker has gone rather overboard in his effort get my attention of show his interest in me. Conversely, his persistence is having the opposing effect and now I feel compelled to let him know that 1) I have no romantic interest in him, 2) have no desire to engage in a long term relationship, and 3) I'm not attracted to him in an intimate manner. I'm not sure what my actual course of action in words will be, but I will definitely speak up because I do not want to allow there to be a false sense of attraction between us.
I feel like I'm on a speeding train that's about to crash into a wall. I'm still trying to figure out how I got from what was seemingly a cerebral draw to my being gifted a trip to the west coast. While I like to travel and am always up for a trip, I'm not inclined to visit someone I know nothing about and who's pursuing me like a virus. I do understand that there could be an opportunity for our getting to know each other more, which could justify his invitation, but the bottom line is that I'm simply not that into him; at least not romantically. Furthermore, my being pursued so aggressively is not a turn on for me. Yes, I like a strong man, but I don't like a brute or at least brute force tactics.
I have no idea where this story will go or what the end result will be, but for now, I'm just trying to make sense of nonsense and sharing it hoping to get some valuable insight. Oh, I have been instructed to simply ignore his calls and that he'll get the hint, but I did voluntarily exchange contact information and I do consider myself an adult, so ignoring him would be rather juvenile on my part. I'll keep you posted!
Stay blessed!