19 August 2010

I will not fear!

In my experiences, I've found that allowing fear to take up any amount of residency in my life has caused my harm than good. Fear held me hostage in a terminally ill relationship knowing that life support was no longer an option and I needed to pull the plug. It masked itself in quick fixes and clung to me like new skin. It weight was light as a rock and that's how it managed to get away with being present so long.

When I finally got some rehab for my obvious malady, I used said fear as a propellant to launch myself into the world for my much needed growth; refusing to allow myself to be in such a position again. I put on my Ninja suit and kicked fear's ass and sent him packing. He was not longer going to live rent free at my experience.

While fear may have it's purpose to some, I can not let it have a purpose for me. Yes, there are things that make me nervous or uneasy, but fearful I'm not. Hell, I've met death or the perception thereof head on literally as a result of what should have been a fatal car accident and when I went through breast cancer.

I give no credence to fear. It can not and will not make me feel less than, inadequate, or weak. I'm human and I may worry, ponder, and as I said, get nervous as those are all parts of the human experience of life.  However, I can't call myself a believer and yet have no faith. I trust that whatever experience I have, I will come through it with a story or lesson learned; if not a testimony.


  1. Where faith is strong, fear has no hold on us. Amen!

    Fear is no joke, and it's something the enemy is using most efficiently in his artillery these days to shut down believers.

    If a believer has no faith, and crippled with fear, he/she is not a threat to the enemy's camp.

    This morning I posted a devotion, "We Are NOT Afraid!"

    Keep your head in the "heavenly clouds" and KICK BUTT! ;) I referenced the same in my devotion this morning. There is certainly a united message, and every believer needs to get a hold of it.

    Be strong in the Lord, and the power of HIS might!

  2. Checking in! Love the new look and content (as always)! Hope you are well!

  3. @ Miz - Thanks sis!
    @Believer - I am soooo happy you stopped by. You've been heavy on my mind and I've been wanting to talk to you as I have no access to your blog anymore. Thank for always encouraging me.
    @Sue - wow! I am so very happy to hear from you and to know that you're still out there. I've often wondered how you and the fam are. I will be coming over to visit.


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